
Friday, June 3, 2011

"About Me:

peoplego to motionbox-iran scientolgoy kremlin repressions can nto endure my face on sun coutnt o zxomby not to record=
iran gov, disconnect me from youtube for documentary prove of super persecution of my vision capabiltiies by demonstration to me of masturbation act durign record abotu quakes-coutn toi demota=ralise and to stop recor deby all means-this si supoer rassism and discrimination ot deprive me of right on soiurt dovumnets representation-as msp0elsm wnat to insulktm, absue and persecute my videos free hire army of porovocators,police mfarbications criminal tatakcs and efforts ofd rape but wnat nobody knows this-youtueb refuse to me in right on court and reflect new power of uk coek iktno power which foirbdie tyo christians freedom of speech and cretive abilitie swithrou violenec of islam an diran direct= "